If you require a custom design then feel free to contact me , it is very probable that I can supply what you are looking for. I will have to speak with you over Discord a few times to make sure you are happy with each stage of the design process.

The design process goes something like this:

  • Me understanding what you require.
  • I will then do a design for you and show you the idea.
  • If you are happy with the design I can then price the item for you.
  • If your happy with the design and the price then I start the build. This can take anywhere from 1 week to a month depending on what is required.
  • Once I have produced the item I will send an invoice to you , when this is paid I send the item.
  • NOTE : If I have to use parts that I do not generally keep in stock then I require payment  for the product before I start building it / ordering parts.